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00:08:16 ◀︎ Likud lawmakers must now vie for seats in a crowded cabinet
00:23:11 ◀︎ Israel's Education Ministry didn't prepare for the test of reopening schools
00:40:11 ◀︎ Haaretz cartoon
04:17:07 ◀︎ Venezuela says troops seize abandoned Colombian combat boats, weapons
04:59:20 ◀︎ U.S. CDC, FDA chiefs in self-quarantine following coronavirus exposure
06:03:33 ◀︎ In coronavirus' shadow, Israel and Iran wage a diplomatic battle over sanctions
09:26:55 ◀︎ Iran says ready to swap prisoners with U.S. without preconditions
11:12:24 ◀︎ Coronavirus lockdowns pile job losses and hunger onto Syrian refugees' plight
11:44:27 ◀︎ Sorry, Jerry Seinfeld, it’s time to retire – or come clean about your life
11:59:17 ◀︎ Bennett's right-wing party: We will not join 'leftist' Netanyahu government
12:11:57 ◀︎ Baldwin's bleach-drinking Trump kicks off season finale of 'Saturday Night Live'
12:38:15 ◀︎ GOP lawmakers threaten Jordan with sanctions for not extraditing Jerusalem terror accomplice
12:42:49 ◀︎ White House Virus Task Force members enter quarantine following exposure
12:50:37 ◀︎ Docs show top WH officials buried CDC coronavirus report on reopening
14:55:34 ◀︎ God TV responds to critics: ‘We’re not trying to convert Jews; we just want them to accept Jesus as the messiah’
15:00:09 ◀︎ Saudi Arabia is holding a senior prince incommunicado since March, says rights group
15:10:21 ◀︎ Trump, Saudi king reaffirm defense ties amid tensions
15:16:05 ◀︎ U.S. pulling Patriot missile batteries out of Saudi Arabia amid oil dispute
15:20:41 ◀︎ Why Bangladesh should, belatedly, recognize Israel
15:28:35 ◀︎ Deadly heat and humidity emerging decades ahead of forecasts
16:09:51 ◀︎ I know this much is true: you need to watch this show on HBO
16:09:51 ◀︎ Bug experts dismiss worry about U.S. 'murder hornets' as hype
16:55:46 ◀︎ Trump's coronavirus disinformation: Misleading on testing, U.S. death toll and more
17:01:23 ◀︎ Iraqi protests continue as PM releases protesters, promotes general who led fight against ISIS
17:16:11 ◀︎ Fighting between Syrian forces and Al-Qaida-linked group leaves dozens dead
17:17:22 ◀︎ U.S. says Russia is working with Syria's Assad to move militia to Libya
17:34:30 ◀︎ New virus clusters show risks of 2nd wave as protests flare
18:21:49 ◀︎ The real victims of the International Criminal Court's obsession with Israel
19:00:57 ◀︎ Hezbollah and the coronavirus recession make the Lebanese yearn to protest again
19:27:18 ◀︎ OU lays out guidelines for reopening U.S. shuls, but no end in sight for New York
20:35:01 ◀︎ More women die by suicide as the coronavirus crisis ushers in rise in domestic violence
21:23:16 ◀︎ Israel set to approve $230m loan to the Palestinian Authority for its coronavirus response
21:50:35 ◀︎ Israeli living on Gaza border convicted of smuggling goods into the Strip, possibly for Hamas
22:18:23 ◀︎ N.Y.C. shul at center of de Blasio controversy faces shutdown if it holds another gathering
22:35:35 ◀︎ Share of Israeli jobless receiving benefits doubles to 12% amid coronavirus crisis
22:41:14 ◀︎ Israel has spent only a quarter of promised $23 billion in coronavirus aid funds
22:42:24 ◀︎ Teva Pharmaceuticals gets a coronavirus boost, but it won’t last long
22:53:44 ◀︎ Israel to demand El Al make changes before approving airline's bailout loans
23:06:25 ◀︎ Israel's treasury fights move to give even temporary aid to neediest coronavirus layoffs
זמני השבת
עיר כניסה יציאה
ירושלים 18:56 20:08
תל אביב 19:11 20:11
חיפה 19:04 20:12
באר שבע 19:12 20:10