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ט' באדר התשע"ז
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07:40:23 ◀︎ Malaysia PM: N. Korea holding citizens 'hostage'
07:40:23 ◀︎ US starts deploying anti-missile system in S.Korea after North's latest test
07:52:07 ◀︎ Iraq security forces take Mosul's main government complex, museum building
07:52:07 ◀︎ Lawyer seeks mental review for NY terror suspect
07:52:07 ◀︎ White House denounces North Korea missile tests
07:52:07 ◀︎ Malaysian police: N.Koreans wanted in murder case hiding in embassy-
07:52:07 ◀︎ US strike in Yemen kills former Guantanamo Bay detainee
07:59:38 ◀︎ US Navy ship changes course after Iran vessels come close
07:59:38 ◀︎ Suspected extremists kill at least 5 gendarmes in Niger
09:04:37 ◀︎ Pakistan temporarily reopens its border with Afghanistan
09:41:03 ◀︎ Israel moves to 2-0 at World Baseball Classic
10:18:16 ◀︎ Malaysian police say foiled attack on Arab royalty ahead of Saudi King visit
10:18:16 ◀︎ Military chiefs of staff from Russia, U.S., Turkey discuss Syria, Iraq - Interfax
10:18:16 ◀︎ China opposes US deployment of THAAD anti-missile system
11:11:14 ◀︎ China: "US and Seoul will bear consequences" of US missile system
11:11:14 ◀︎ Russian: USdeployment of missile system in S.Korea creating impasse
11:31:25 ◀︎ IDF defused 2 explosive devices near Gaza border
11:41:00 ◀︎ Man stabbed near Jerusalem
11:41:00 ◀︎ Palestinian slightly injured from by IDF stun grenade
12:23:25 ◀︎ Iraqi forces storm Mosul government complex, hoist flag
12:50:07 ◀︎ Syrian army advances on IS-held water supplies for Aleppo
12:50:07 ◀︎ Germany to buy Triton drone to replace cancelled Euro Hawk
12:50:07 ◀︎ Danish MPs leave gadgets at home during Russia trip
13:00:41 ◀︎ Iran unveils new multi-purpose helicopter
13:20:53 ◀︎ Military prosecution appeals lenient sentence given to Azaria
14:44:14 ◀︎ Hollywood film on couple who saved Jews premiering in Poland
15:20:25 ◀︎ German groups, Jewish heirs unite efforts to locate lost art
15:40:28 ◀︎ Russia meddling likely focus at hearing for No. 2 at Justice
15:40:28 ◀︎ George Michael died of natural causes
15:40:28 ◀︎ Trump says freed Gitmo prisoners 'returned to battlefield'
15:50:03 ◀︎ North Korea, Malaysia ban each other's citizens from leaving
15:50:03 ◀︎ North Korea warns of "actual war", U.S. calls it "pariah"
15:50:03 ◀︎ Supreme Court justice Yoram Danziger steps down
16:09:05 ◀︎ 11 Palestinians indicted for throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails
16:09:05 ◀︎ Philippine House OKs restoring death penalty for drug cases
20:21:05 ◀︎ Trump administration pledges "great strictness" on Iran nuclear deal
22:50:05 ◀︎ State Department says working with White House on Israeli-Palestinian peace
22:50:05 ◀︎ White House condemns latest anti-Semitic threats
23:50:55 ◀︎ Jordanian who killed 7 Israeli girls in 1997 set for release